Alternate world...

Things move past in a blurr. The old dog on the road scurrying across or the woman with a pail of water, all registered but not really so. The gears change, the engine noise changes its depth, the smell and the wind .All are being soaked in, yet not quietly so. I am in a different world, alternate or parallel world.

Stories change, names change, my physical attributes change. Even my parents are swapped to a different lot!

Far from slammed doors or loving hugs or the perpetual heaviness of the soul, it takes few seconds to move far away from all these. In a moment I am transformed into the willow wielding young cricketer or a writer in his mid thirties winning booker and leading a luxuriant life. And all these with a knowledge of the real world , yet I summon these alternate realities where its on me to create the glory or its inherent luxury.

From the reality of not finding a job to switch from the current one , I float into a world of a UN consulting role paying me handsomely. Work I truly appreciate and learn. A far cry from reality. I wonder , is this an imposed blindness. imposed to mask away the daily rankling of reality ? . When not earning enough is the bone of contention I conveniently slip into this parallel world where I make quick bucks on the market, making money at a rate where pundits gape. again , is this an escape route or an alternate reality which I readily slip into. Is this the placebo which prevents the reality from taking its due toll ? from making me realize my under achieving or underporfming life. The bike whirrs and I realize I have a window of 30 odd minutes to slip into the alternate world. Where success or love or life is a malleable commodity waiting for my approval. Hmmm….I change gears and move on…


PT said…
emotional turmoil? change of job? Liked the choice of words though..
@ emotional turmoil , but have this deepning fear that maybe am losing my grip on reality :)
Su said…
"Where success or love or life is a malleable commodity waiting for my approval"... This is beautifully put.
Emerald said…
you seem to be well aware of your stream of consciousness!

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